The No Border Assembly is a Berlin based weekly meeting-space to organize resistance against borders and deportations. What we stand for >>
Our current projects are:
RALLY IN BERLIN, 24.10.2024, 9-17H
(S Westend / U Amrumer Straße)
Join us on this day between 9:00 and 17:00, there will be speeches, music, and soup! 🎵 🥣
Bring your banners, speeches, voices! 📢
As No Border Assembly we are taking part in the national action week ‘Fight Racism – Abolish Ausländerbehörde’! Germany’s migration policy is a thinly veiled continuation of its fascist past. Surveillance, stricter controls, detentions, deportations—this is psychological warfare aimed at breaking those seeking refuge. The state’s objective is clear: wear them down until they surrender. The Ausländerbehörde is not just a bureaucratic institution—it’s a key piece in the racist, fascist machinery of the German state, fueling the supremacist border and migration business.
(français ci-dessous)
DEMO: NO BORDERS means standing for a FREE PALESTINE!
No Border Assembly & Abolish Deportation Prison BER invite you for a demonstration:
While an ongoing genocide is being carried out in Palestine, the German government is doubling down on its colonial alliance with the state of Israel and the racist German border regime. We see this in its unconditional support of the genocidal bombing of Gaza and in its heavy police repression of protests in solidarity with Palestine here in Germany. Politicians are calling for the deportation of people committed to a free Palestine and Chancellor Scholz is vowing to start “deporting on a grand scale.” While the government is developing a law to harshen the deportation system, the so-called “Repatriation Improvement Act,” Palestinians and other Arab people on the streets are being labeled anti-semitic, repressed and criminalized for calling out genocide and expressing solidarity with Palestine.
WHEN: Thursday, 16.11 18:00
WHERE: Oranienplatz (Kreuzberg)
**Deutsch, العربية, français below**
Continue reading “DEMO: NO BORDERS means standing for a FREE PALESTINE!”
Stop killing refugees! In Tunisia, Libya and elsewhere

Rally on Saturday, 5 August 2023, 4 p.m.
Representation of the European Commission in Berlin (Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin).
Tunisian authorities have abandoned hundreds of Black people in the desert on the borders with Libya and Algeria in recent weeks. Without food, without water and without protection from 50 degrees Celsius. At least 17 people have died so far as a result of this despicable act, including 30-year-old Fati Dosso and her 6-year-old daughter Marie. The two had previously managed to survive in Libya and were now seeking refuge and protection in Tunisia.
Continue reading “Stop killing refugees! In Tunisia, Libya and elsewhere”
Stop Deportation! Protest Camp 1-6 June 2023
Join the Protest Camp against Deportations!
At the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport, the government plans to build a massive deportation prison. Already now, mass deportations via charter flights silently take place there every month. We want to break the silence and are organizing the “Stop Deportation! Protest Camp” close to the BER Airport from June 1-6 2023.
Continue reading “Stop Deportation! Protest Camp 1-6 June 2023”
Rally: No Business with Deportation Airlines!
🟣 Rally on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 @12:30
🟣 Location: Messe-Berlin Eingang Süd / Jafféstraße, 14055
Organised by Abolish Frontex & No Border Assembly
A list of around 13 charter-airlines are collaborating with the German state to enact more than 200 mass deportation charter flights each year. Multiple times each week, this form of racist police violence takes place: police storm people’s homes around Germany during midnight deportation raids in an attempt to fill entire planes, which are specifically rented for mass deportation. These airlines pocket the cash, which comes from the budgets of FRONTEX, EU’s agency of border violence. Even if the state is the primary perpetrator of deportations, let us not be silent about those that profit from this! We condemn both the state and the dirty profiteers!
Continue reading “Rally: No Business with Deportation Airlines!”
13:00 Bike demo to Schönefeld – Starting point: Hermannplatz, 10967 Berlin
15:00 Rally with concerts & Küfa – Place: Kirchstraße, 12529 Schönefeld (BER Airport T5)
Germany is turning the Berlin airport terminal 5 into a Deportation Center, including two prison buildings with a capacity to imprison 120 people. The plan is to start construction of this new center in the next months and aim to have it in operation from 2025. We, as “Abschiebezentrum BER Verhindern” call on everyone to loudly and fiercely take the streets and block with us this racist and neo-colonial plan! Therefore you are invited to join us on the street during a Bicycle Demo starting at Hermannplatz 13:00 going to Schönefeld, next to the planned construction site. From 15:00 until 19:00 we will protest in Schönefeld with a Küfa, Concerts and Speeches.
There will be live performences by:
17:00-18:00 Intare (Rap)
18:00-19:00 Marap (Consciousrap from Hamburg)
There will be vegan food for dinner by Kiezkantine
Some non-alcoholic drinks will be available.
Anyone who’d like to bike from Berlin to there: we start from Hermannplatz at 13:00 and follow a registered route together in a loud bike demo.
There will be short, small-group walks from the protest to politically relevant location nearby, such as the current deportation prison, the usual starting point of charter-deportations, etc.
Let’s remember this is not a party! It’s placed next to a current deportation prison. We will be loud and angry: let’s use the space to get to know the area and each other, so we can be strong in the upcoming years of resistance.
No Border! No Nation! Stop Deportation Center BER!
More info:
Refugees in Libya started their protests in October 2021 – yet the conditions for refugees in Libya remain the same. They are exposed to structural violence, arbitrary detention in inhumane conditions, torture, enslavement and murder. People are still drowning in the Mediterranean daily or being pulled back by both the so-called Libyan coast guard (LYCG) and the newly established Stability Support Apparatus (SSA). The European Union (EU) is contributing to these atrocities daily by funding and training the so-called LYCG and supporting structures, which are holding the current system in place.
Still, the echo of the protest of Refugees in Libya is ignored in the European public discourse.
Scandal about the planned deportation center at BER Airport – No deportation center anywhere!
Press release from 03.08.2022
“Today’s publications by FragDenStaat, rbb and the ARD political magazine Kontraste demonstrate the questionable means the Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior is resorting to in order to push through the construction of a deportation center at BER Airport, bypassing its own coalition partner and the state parliament. It is not only a political scandal to keep these plans secret even from the own finance minister. From the very beginning, the Ministry of the Interior intransparently cooperated with a flimsy investor, which is later presented as the supposedly only option.
The real scandal is that a deportation center is being built at BER in which refugees are deliberately isolated and locked up. Planned is a deportation detention center to hold 120 people and perspectively the center could even be expanded to a deportation prison,” says the press spokeswoman of the initiative “Stop Deportation Center BER” Alexis Martel.
“The shady deals of the company Harder & Partner were and are known to the Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior. Apparently, Jürgen B. Harder can determine the political conditions in favor of its new large-scale construction site “deportation prison”. This is in his interest: Because millions can be earned with the racist business.
While European governments are increasingly undermining the right to asylum, Brandenburg and the federal government are pushing for even more deportations. Since the plans for the deportation center became known, we have made it clear: No one is illegal. We stand against all forms of racist detention of refugees, whether it is called custody pending departure, deportation detention center or airport asylum procedure.
We do not accept the systematic racist oppression, deportation and discrimination of people! That is why we resist the detention and deportation of people and will prevent the deportation center at BER. Our resistance has only just begun.”
No deportation center at BER airport!
No deportation center anywhere!
Press contact:
Alexis Martel (Initiative “Stop Deportation Center BER”)
Twitter: @Abschiebez_BER
Instagram: @stopdeportationcenterber
More information:
About “Stop Deportation Center BER”
The initiative was founded at the end of 2021 to organize against the planned deportation center at BER Airport and to take the protest to the streets and online. Most recently, the initiative worked on a campaign against the questionable investment company “Harder & Partner” and called for an online day of action (see also
—-⌚️ Wednesday, 20 July ⌚️—-
European airlines are making profits with deportation charterflights from Germany. We will call out their racist deportation business until they #StopDeportation. Join the online action!
Use our Action Toolkit & Sharepics :
More info? Check the new website of Deportation Alarm ➡️
⚫️ uncensored data identifying the names of deportation airlines, so far kept secret by the german government
⚫️ detailed info on 206 deportation charterflights from Germany in 2021
Let’s stop deportation business!
Online Storm against Investor of Deportation Center BER
Today, the online storm against “Harder & Partner” is starting. This company thinks they can build a deportation center at BER airport in silence. But, no moment of rest for deportation profiteers! With your help, we will overwhelm online platforms and confront Harder & Partner, while informing all their clients of Harder’s cynical profiteering from deportations and racism.
Even if you have only 10 minutes, you can take meaningful online action. See here our action guide here, with tips and sharepics:
Do you have social media? Share our posts!
Twitter – Instagram
Hashtags: #DumpHarder #DefundRacism #StopDeportationCenterBER
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