Groups whose political work we highly appreciate and/or collaborate with:
(list in progress)
Berlin and Brandenburg:
- Aktionsbündnis Antira
- Anti-Deportation Café
- Borderless Collective
- Borderline Europe
- Bündnis gegen Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan
- Corasol
- Daily Resistance – Newspaper
- International Women* Space
- Kiez Kantine, Bilgisaray
- Legalisierung Jetzt!
- Migrantifa Berlin
- Respect Berlin
- Refugee Assembly Brandenburg
- Solidarity City Berlin
- We’ll Come United Berlin/Brandenburg
- Women in Exile and friends
- Aktion Bleiberecht
- Aktion Bürger*innen-Asyl
- Bündnis gegen Abschiebungen Münster
- Death in Custody
- Karawane München
- No Border FFM
- Refugees 4 Refugees
- The Voice Refugee Forum