Lufthansa. The German company that profits most from deportations. And has been so for decades. 5,885 people were forced into their planes in 2019. Twenty years ago, the Deportation Class campaign called them out for their complicity in state violence. Now it is high time to confront them again. The Lufthansa press spokesman recently mentioned in an interview that they are glad they are no longer the target of protests. High time to change that!
The business of deportations must be exposed for what it is: ruthless complicity with colonial and racist state violence. Nobody deserves to be forced on deportation planes. Flying should be a voluntary decision for everyone. And it is the choice of Lufthansa bosses whether they continue to work on this colonial injustice or whether they take a stand against racism and stop their business with deportations.
Press Release: campaign-start
Press Release: online mass-action
Poster-campaign and online Action-Days 9-19.11.2020
The launch of our campaign “Lufthansa #Abschiebefrei” in July immediately provoked the state into keeping the statistics of Lufthansa’s deportation profiteering a secret from now on. This action day shamed Lufthansa in their own spaces: in their travel agencies, in their offices, in the airport and in tourist hotspots. Throughout Germany, #Abschiebefrei poster were placed. Let it be clear to everyone: Lufthansa profits from structural racism and until they halt their collaboration with deportations, we will confront them.

Over 2 days, we overwhelmed online platforms confronting Lufthansa with their deportation profiteering. Across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, images were mass published of all the cool actions that happened in the week before, with the hashtags #Abschiebefrei and #LockDownLufthansa
Press attention:
taz press article on the campaign (German)
nd press article (German)
press release on the government decision by Ulla Jelpke (LINKE)
Social Media Storm 27.7.2020
On 27 July, the campaign Lufthansa #abschiebefrei was launched: social media was flooded with messages that drew attention to the deportation profits of Lufthansa.
From Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to the bombardment of contact forms for Lufthansa customers. All the platforms we have or can use, all the online means necessary. Lufthansa can be addressed directly in Tweets with @Lufthansa_DE.
Twitter: @NoBorder_Berlin
Here you can find some pictures that you can use for your own tweets!