Today we are calling to target Privilege Style, the Spanish charter-airline whose planes have done every of the last 9 charter-deportations from Germany to Afghanistan. This company profits from racism and should not be allowed one second of rest! Check here some tips on how to take online action today within only 10 minutes:

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Breaking Censorship: who are the companies doing charter-deportations

Since 2020, the German government is censoring which airline companies are used for deportations. Although this information has always been given before in parliamentary requests, a recent parliamentary information request (page 9) by Die Linke received as answer: “Publication of the airlines […] may have a negative impact on the public’s perception of these airlines. Publicly naming the airlines that offer deportation flights risks exposing these companies to public criticism and, as a result, making them unavailable to transport persons who are obliged to leave the country to their home countries” (page 9). We, as No Border Assembly, not only fiercely reject this reasoning, we are also breaking their censorship.

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[new brochure] Border Profiteers

This brochure has gathered a list of corporations that profit from deportations, from managing detention centers, from building fences, selling ships, drones or planes patrolling the Mediterranean, subcontracted security guards, providing data collection, border surveillance software, id control mechanisms, racist policy consultation, prison construction and any other form of oppression that limits peoples freedom of movement and right to stay.

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Stop the Border Business – Demo on April 17th in Berlin-Mitte

Every day, companies are profiting from the neocolonial and racist migration regime with its borders, surveillance and deportations. The offices and headquarters of such companies can be found right in the heart of Berlin. Nevertheless, barely anyone draws attention to that, while the German government tries to disguise and hide their deportation and weapon deals with these companies. We want to change that!

On 17th of April, we will visit each of their offices in a demonstration against Border and Deportation Profiteers through Berlin-Mitte. Let’s expose and confront them – their dirty business model has to stop now!

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ONLINE ACTION: shame Lufthansa in their own spaces

The launch of our campaign “Lufthansa #Abschiebefrei” in July immediately provoked the state into keeping the statistics of Lufthansa’s deportation profiteering a secret from now on. Now it is high time to take the next step. Let’s shame Lufthansa in their own spaces: in their travel agencies, in their offices, in the airport and in tourist hotspots. Let it be clear to everyone: Lufthansa profits from structural racism and until they halt their collaboration with deportations, we will confront them.

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Online mass action – Lufthansa, #SayNoToDeportations!

An online mass action yesterday (Monday, 27 July 2020) targeted Lufthansa for its continued collaboration with deportations. On the first day of the campaign “Lufthansa #Abschiebefrei” the Berlin group “No Border Assembly” together with more than 20 anti-racist groups all over Germany made the hashtag #Abschiebefrei trending in social media and demanded Lufthansa to refrain from deportation flights.

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New Info-Flyer: Resistance against Deportations

A new leaflet has gathered a list of potential tactics to use in resisting one’s own deportation. Are you threatened by deportation? You heard of an upcoming deportation? There are ways to resist a deportation! Find more info in this flyer. In Arabic, Farsi, French, Tigrinya, Serbian, Urdu, English, Russian, Pashto and German.

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